Samstag, 16. Mai 2015

Diggin a little deeper outside of net: incestuous conflicts

source: by Ulson Gunnar -  In german:

Short summary:

There is strong evidence, that outernet has strong relations to Mr. Soros (84/5, still alive). So it seems, that outernet is not only a philantropic adventure, but first "big business with a human touch interface". As all those, it's primarily a project of mouth, like a brain srewdriver. Ok. That's normal in scene, but you have to clear this.

Like this: "By September, MDIF is hoping NASA will give permissions to test Outernet technology on the International Space Station." - Of course, NASA did not. It has been just buzz. As one could suppose.

And like this: "We do this because we believe every human deserves free access to essential information." - Of course they are right, like the other shout out "Let's bring democracy!" - but that's not the real motivation motor behind. I suppose the real motivation factor is making "big business" - "the next big thing" - "making money" - "doing well in life".

Let's have a short look, how they will make money, called "business plan" (do you also see the $$-eyes?):

"What is your business plan? Do you expect the cost of the lanterns to cover the cost of operating streaming services from satellites? Do you envision your service to always remain free or are you looking at a tiered service structure?"

"Great question. The creation of Lanterns (and Pillars, our High Speed receiver designed for a school or library type application) is a good revenue source but I think about those as being like the swag (albeit really awesome, extremely useful swag) a band sells at the concert. The main focus of the band is the music, or in our case the signal and information we broadcast. On that side, sponsored content and ads will be our main sources of revenue. The broadcast service will always be free. As we explore a two-way service, a tiered premium model may come into play."

So, let's conclude: outernet will be a global advertising machine, when in operation. - This has not much to do with "building humanitarian library.... Its just a phrase, it's just a trojan horse 4 the public mind".

Building Humanity's Public Library?

Really? Are they kidding? What does this mean exactly? This phrase suggests, that there is a need for an -undefined- "humanity's public library" - Far bigger than the NLC? It's my opinion, that is only a "buzz phrase" that has nothing to do with reality. Sounds so soft, so human touched. Everybody would accept this shout-out sponaneously. - But fact is: You need this mental srewdriver to inject the system into public mind, to implant the biggest global advertising machine ever seen on this planet.
What has this to to with "freedom of information"? They do not explain. Why? Because they cannot. Because of inherent logic in this process.  - This is a difficult question i cannot answer.

Activation of "free workers" is also a shame! Those people will never get anything back - execpt telling their children "in former times i have been little part of this story". Recall: Only the company will make revenues. Not the "community". - This other buzzword is widely called "community". It's another a big trojan for strengthing public acceptance.

Outernet: A satellite based one-way information distribution system

Saša Vučinić is a Serbian journalist and is the co-founder and former CEO and Managing Director of the Media Development Loan Fund.

In 1995, with seed money from George Soros's Open Society Institute (name changed today), Vučinić and the late Washington Post journalist Stuart Auerbach formed the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), an international non-profit organization based in New York City, Prague, Hong Kong, and Singapore with the goal of establishing a fund to provide loans to independent press organizations in new democracies with histories of government oppression of the media.

Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) is a New York-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and investment fund that provides low-cost financing to independent news media in countries with a history of media oppression. It works with newspapers, radio stations, and TV companies in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the CIS, and the Balkans.[1] It was originally founded as the Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF) before changing its name in 2013.[2]

Outernet Inc is a global broadcast data startup currently being incubated by the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), a United States-based impact investment fund and non-profit organization established in 1995 by Saša Vučinić and Stuart Auerbach. Outernet's goal is to provide free access to content from the web through geostationary and Low Earth Orbit satellites, made available effectively to all parts of the world.

(information source: wikipedia) - read more:

Social entrepreneur Syed Karim plans to make universal Internet access a reality through small satellites. Syed Karim founded Outernet to broadcast digital content from a constellation of miniature satellites to areas where internet access is blocked or unavailable. If it’s successful, anyone with a smartphone, satellite dish or simple antenna could receive news, information, online education and entertainment from the sky.

Karim, who, from also director of innovation for the Media Development Investment Fund, compares the vision to “modern shortwave radio” or “BitTorrent from space,” and expects to begin launching the satellites in early 2015.

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015 - nice, but not affordable, offgrid solution in ivory coast

This is a new off-grid solution, esp. 4 ivory coast. 

But in the long run, i believe, this will not work, because nobody can afford those "i-packs" really and renew them every 4-5 yrs.

Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

WOW-TO install Open Source Point of Sale

WOW-TO install some sort of standard package on Raspberry Pi 2 B

Apache2, php, phpMyAdmin, proftpd

Tesla powerwall home battery opens new horizonts for constant energy delivery in Africa

You cannot eat it, but it is necessary: communication

A growing WOW-TO collection for Raspberry PI 2 B


Sonntag, 26. April 2015

WOW-TO install phpsysinfo and/or linux-dash on Raspberry Pi B 2 -step-by-step

WOW-TO install phpsysinfo and/or linux-dash on Raspberry Pi B 2

you may collaborate with any google account

WOW-TO install Webmin on Raspberry Pi 2 B - step-by-step

WOWO-TO install Webmin on Raspberry Pi 2 B - step-by-step

you may always collaborate here

WOW-To install "smstools3" on a Raspberry Pi 2 B ? A step-by-step tutorial 4 dummies

You are also invited to collaborate this document, helping to improve it continuously, 365/7/24.

WOW-TO install "playSMS 1.0-rc9" on a "Raspberry Pi 2 B"

Tutorial: Installing "playSMS 1.0-rc9" on a "Raspberry Pi B 2"
collaborative document, you may contribute worldwide 365/7/24 :)
live demo on "Raspberry Pi B 2"

Mobile Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa and other s

Samstag, 25. April 2015

EU Fördermittel abgreifen - aber RICHTIG!

Es gibt derzeit drei, mir bereits bekannte, Projekte, die sich alle so ziemlich ähneln und die EU - Fördermittel für die Förderung der dezentralen Energieversorgung in Afrika ,etc. abgreifen. Hierfür sollen 125 Millionen € bereit stehen. Auch mein Steuergeld. Aber darauf kommt es nicht an. Geld lockt stets Hungrige an. Und davon gibt es mehr als genug.

- Zum einen ist dies Mobisol. Eigentlich dienen die ja nicht der dezentralen Energieversorgung, sondern eher der dezentralen Lichtversorgung. Aber wer schert sich schon darum? Auch Lichtquanten sind ja eine form von Energie. (PS: Auch ein Furz ist u.a. methan- und somit energiegeladen). Mobisol sperrt die Afrikaner in einen digitalen Käfig ein, den sie von Deutschland aus gleich noch elektronisch überwachen. - Verkaufen tun sie eher heisse Luft, nämlich -kostenlose-  Sonnenenergie. Sie nennen es "prepaid energy". Klar prepaid, das stimmt schon - nämlich vom dt. Steuerzahler und vom "lieben Gott", der die Sonne erschuf.

- Dann gibt es noch Solar-Kiosk, wie es sich gehört mit EU TLD, die sich auch eine erhebliche Rendite von den Ärmsten diieser Erde erwarten. Auch sie ernten Sonne und verkaufen diese. Gewinnabführung und elektronische Dauerkontrolle über die lange Internetleine in D natuerlich inclusive.

- Und zu guter Letzt ist mir noch besonders aufgefallen. Allmachtsfantasien wie bei Google prägen hier bereits jetzt schon das Weltbild. Früh übt sich eben. Das Ganze ist, hierzu passend. etwas evangelisch und sendungsbewusst getriggert Denn: in nur wenigen Jahren wollen sie Google2 werden. Das Imperial College lässt grüssen. Imperialer Hintergrund vorhanden. Sogar Kaffee. - Neokolonialistische Vorstellungen scheinen hier nicht all zu fern. Man lädt Handies auf und bezeichnet einige wenige Milliampere, so sie denn überhaupt mit viel Verlusten fliessen, gar als "Weltrevolution der dezentralen Stromversorgung" und geniesst Awards. Wertlose Awards. - Tägliche Reports nach London bilden die digitale Leine, an der man sich auch hier natürlich entlang hangelt. Monatlich pro business unit werden 100 davon angepeilt. Viele Tausend units spuken bereits  in den Londoner Hirnen herum. Davon lässt es sich, im Grünen lächelnd und entspannt hausen.- Ich denke mal, exakt bis zum Auslaufen des Förderprogramms.

Nun ja, wenige Milliampere an sich haben noch nie ein Land weiter gebracht - es sei denn im eignen Vorstellungshorizont. Nichts gegen Visionen. So wie sie kommen, so verschwinden sie auch wieder. - Aber so ist es nun mal. - Mann und man möchte doch wirklich nur "helfen". Ja liebe liebe Leute, das kommt immer gut! Besonders PR technisch und besonders, wenn es einem selbst im Nachhinein dann so dolle besser geht als vorher. Alles rechtsstaatlich völlig einwandfrei und sauber - green sogar. Auch für Blauäugige! Das Prinzip ist einfach: Kleinvieh macht eben auch Mist.

p.s.: bis zur kürzlichen Entdeckung des Förderprogramms der EU hatte ich mich auch blenden lassen.

Installing some sort of standard package on Raspberry Pi 2 B

Installing some sort of standard package on Raspberry Pi 2B:

Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

An african dream. Handy charging device

An african dream. Handy charging device 10 channels.

~ 30 €

Just add a big solar power panel and some solar accus...

Dienstag, 21. April 2015

openEMR on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B in combination with a 500GB USB.HDD

Inside, there is hidden a complete EMR administration system. The cigarettebox is only 4 measurement demo purpose, not 4 smoking....

- Raspberry Pi 2B
- 500 GB USB.HDD
- powercable
- WiFi USB.stick with antenna

  • Note: It's an idea, a concept  but not a product! 
  • power supply needs some push
  • USB-contacts seem not to be too stable, so soldering might be a solution here, regarding
  • conditions in dev. world

The system is working as a complete autonomous stand-alone WiFi-system solution. It can support simultaneously some rooms nearby in a normal building. - You just need a "tablet-pc", a smartphone or any WiFi-driven gadget and connect to wifi SSID:, then typing in browser the same and you will have instant access to your OpenEMR-system. It needs only about 4-5 watts/h, so it can be made in some way "out of the box". Put it in your briefcase - and secure it :). Solar powering is also an option, because 12 V is enough to operate the whole complex.... Grid in dev.countries often produces high voltage peaks, up to 1.000 V. This will destroy most electronic devices..

At a 1st glance, it works like a charme.. 
Very interesting 4 ICT4D applications, i think.

just a little insight
Here, a how-to tutorial, resp., how-i did it. You can do, but this will need some time. You may collaborate with any google account.

Sonntag, 5. April 2015

RaspbeeriansUnited - funny video of visitor's origin by google earth

This video shows the enormous traffic of an article in this blog during a 15 min watching period, recorded from google earth. - Raspbeerians are disseminated all over the world - RaspbeeriansUnited .......

How much wifi connections can a Raspberry Pi allow AND serve simultaneously?

Raspberry Pi (old model; not the Raspberry Pi 2 one) has been practically approved to serve simultaneously a maximum of 35 Android tablets over WiFi, without errors.


Look at this:
The result was, as reported there, this:

We were unable to swamp the Pi server or its wireless connection
even with 35 tablets connecting to it simultaneously.

Inexpensive Android devices, which have been proliferating through the developing world, serve as excellent client devices to connect to a Pi access point. How does the Pi hold up to the task of serving a classroom full of tablet users over a single wifi dongle? We had been warned that a small number of wifi clients would likely swamp the connection, so last week we put it to the test.
The Raspberry Pi/Wi-Pi combo held up smoothly, with 35 tablets simultaneously
navigating through the KA Lite web interface and streaming Khan Academy videos.

Warum µSD-Card und SD-Card Anwendungen im Raspberry Pi für 365/7/24 untauglich sind!

Es gibt eine Menge Projekte, welche offene Bildungsinhalte in die nicht so entwickelte Welt transportieren möchten. Hierzu wird in den meisten Fällen ein Raspberry Pi mit SDcard oder ein Raspberry Pi 2 mit µSDcard benutzt. Der günstige Preis ist reizvoll - doch der Preis ist nicht alles.

Projektbeispiele zur Verteilung von Bildungsinhalten sind beispielsweise:


Es wird, bei kritischer Durchsicht vorhandener Beiträge im Netz, von einer Lebensdauer der SD-card von durchschnittlich lediglich 8-10 Monaten bei Dauerbetrieb und regelmässigen Schreibcyclen berichtet. Danach ist die Karte tot, verbraucht, defekt. Es kann daher, konstruktionsbedingt, nicht sinnvoll sein, solche Bildungsprojekte damit auszustatten. Andere Überlegungen müssen her. Die genannte und oftmals bei solchen Projekten anzutreffende Euphorie erscheint mir daher weder angemessen, noch wird sie der Sache langfristig gerecht. Es handelt sich ausschliesslich um eine "technically driven euphoria"; naive Technikgläubigkeit. Man glaubt, den "Stein der Weisheit" entdeckt zu haben. - Ein unzutreffender Trugschluß, wie ich finde.

Die Lösung kann folgerichtig daher nur sein, sich von der SDcard bzw. µSDcard so weit als möglich zu befreien. Nicht so sehr zu Gunsten eines USB Sticks, denn dort sind die Verhältnisse zwar etwas besser, sondern zu Gunsten eines USB.Festplattenlaufwerks, welches auf anderen Kontruktionsprinzipien beruht.

Das geht. Aber es gibt ein weiteres Problem, nämlich die Qualität der Spannungsversorgung in den beabsichtigten Einsatzregionen. Das muss man unbedingt im Auge behalten. Das muss man immer, besonders aber in den "emerging countries". Spannungsspitzen von bis zu 1.000 Volt machen i.d.R. aller Elektronik den Garaus. So etwas kennen wir hier nicht. Wir demonstrieren allenfalls wegen Stromtrassen, weil wir meinen "elektrosensibel" zu sein. Doch das ist ein anderes Thema. Hier tummeln sich zahlreiche Psychopathen.

e.g. Tanzania: last mile challenges

Last mile connectivity issues facing Tanzania National ICT backbone

Faith J. Shimba, The Institute of Finance Management
Shaban Pazi, The Institute of Finance Management
Daniel Koloseni, The Institute of Finance Management


In order to close the digital gap amongst its citizens and with other countries, Tanzania decided to invest in building National ICT backbone. National ICT backbone (NICTBB) will act as facilitating instrument to other economic sectors and to e-government initiatives. Despite these promises offered by NICTBB, last mile connectivity agenda has not been addressed adequately. Thus, this paper addresses last mile connectivity issue and suggest workable solutions to the issues.
The study employed interview, semi- structured questionnaire and discussion forums for primary data collection. Literature review served as secondary source of data. The study found that, last mile connectivity is entirely depending on international connections and National ICT backbone connections. Following connection of NICTBB to SEACOM and EASSY, the international bandwidth costs was reduced by 88%. Further, the international bandwidth capacity was increased by 15 times which is still underutilized. With regard to NICTBB connections, the internet bandwidth cost was reduced to more than 30%. The study further found that, mobile wireless is the most affordable and preferred last mile connectivity. We recommend that, NICTBB should be fully deployed in semi – urban and rural areas to enable easy last mile connections. Government should regulate internet services in order to control internet bandwidth charges. We further call upon Tanzanian government to subsidize prices for leasing internet wired lines, cable and wireless modem to access internet from ISPs through wired or wireless connections.

Suggested Citation

Faith J. Shimba, Shaban Pazi, and Daniel Koloseni. "Last mile connectivity issues facing Tanzania National ICT backbone" The International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW2013); Conference proceeding (2013).

genious: on a Raspberry Pi - no database needed

  • Here we go...
  • need not much space , only about 500 K!!B,
  • Just download latest version from:
  • tansfer all files, needed
  • start working
  • i will show you a comprehensive video:

Visions for the future or better, presence: the drone-postman ?

Matternet has started, as promised. That's a remarkable milestone.

In combination with a yellow, not red :), box. Letters of up to 1.000 gr / 20 = 50 standard letters (and a additional USB-stick (~30 gr)) will soon replace mail delivery in subsaharan regions and other emerging regions. - This will combine physical delivery and data mule transport for information kiosks. - Satellites, loon and such thing will not be needed @ the moment. - Ok, it's a vision. But: who knows? - has started! Drones will do EMULE working

What is the weigth of data? Physically near nothing.... but... information is as important as physical goods...too....

I ask myself, whether Matternet (Matternet ONE) can also transport 231 resp. 41 grams of oder even stick DATA only?  And how far the quadro Matternet ONE can fly? 40 km? 60 km?

Modell/SerieHDTB320EK3CA Canvio Basic
Artikelgewicht231 g
Produktabmessungen7,9 x 11,9 x 2,1 cm
Formfaktor2.5 Inches
Bildschirmgröße2.5 Zoll
Größe Festplatte2000 GB
FestplatteninterfaceSerial ATA-300

Artikelgewicht41 g
Produktabmessungen9,3 x 2,5 x 0,8 cm